Foreign Rights
Sobel Weber works with a vast network of co-agents, listed below, to publish our clients’ work in international markets across the globe. For all foreign rights inquiries, please click below to download our rights guide, or contact us.
We aggressively market translation rights throughout the world, working closely with our diverse team of international coagents and selling directly where necessary. We attend international book fairs and meet regularly with foreign editors, scouts, and publishers to develop and maintain personal relationships. Once a contract is in place, we continue to work with each publisher to make sure every publication meets the high standards of its US counterparts.
For any regions not listed here, Sobel Weber independently sells rights.
Brazil and Portugal
Tassy Barham Associates
Andrew Nurnberg Associates International, Ltd.
Czech Republic & Slovakia
Eastern Europe, Greece, and Russia
Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, and Indonesia
The Netherlands
Marianne Schönbach Literary Agency